The most widely used software dedicated to fingerprint comparison. CSIpix Comparator software significantly reduces the time it takes to enhance, calibrate, compare, and analyze fingerprints and other forensic images. It’s easy to learn and easy to use, allowing you to accurately prepare court charts faster than ever before.
Image enhancement features:
- Scale images
- Adjust contrast levels
- Perspective correction
- Save workspace
- Side-by-side rotational alignment
- Adjust colour sliders
- Crop, zoom, or pan across side-by-side images simultaneously
- Produce magnified views
- Ghost cursor for easier comparison
What’s new:
- Multiple crop
- Export and save all images from a NIST file
- Add dimensions/measurements to images
For a quick overview of CSIpix Comparator watch our CSIpix Comparator Introduction video or take a look at the brochure.
“The CSIpix Digital Comparator is working tremendously. It has gone above and beyond any of our expectations.” – Det. Darren Keel, Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Office
“I installed the CSIpix Comparator late Thursday and prepared a court exhibit in about an hour. Friday morning, I had the exhibit mounted and ready for court on Monday. After purchasing this software, we no longer rely on outside vendors for exhibit preparations.” – Det. Sgt. Clint Babb, C.C.S.A., Lee County Sheriff’s Office NC
“I downloaded a trial version and was immediately impressed! CSIpix is very easy to use and it’s a fraction of the price of traditional fingerprint comparators. Each of our Forensic Investigators now have it installed on their individual work stations. It’s very convenient.” – Brad Joice, Forensic Identification Unit, York Regional Police, Canada
Take a closer look.
CSIpix Comparator is the most widely used software dedicated to fingerprint comparison. Comparator speeds up enhancement, calibration, comparison and analysis of fingerprints and other forensic images. It’s easy to learn and easy to use, allowing you to accurately prepare court charts faster than ever before.